
Is Matcha beneficial when it comes to weight Loss?

August 31, 2016 Kevin McCarthy

What are the unique properties of matcha which support weight loss?

Firstly Matcha is almost calorie free, it is a great addition to a weight loss program by tackling the problem from both sides. It boosts metabolism and burns fat, in one recent study even suggested that matcha may help burn calories by up to four times. At the same time, matcha does not put any stress on the body. It doesn’t raise blood pressure or heart rate, making it a safe alternative to questionable quick fixes or pharmaceuticals ridden with side effects, it also removes the highs and lows associated with coffee, keeping your mind more active and focused.

We always recommend to take matcha as part of a balanced diet in order to achieve the maximum benefits from organic Matcha.

If you have questions or would like to more about our matcha and how to prepare it. Please feel free to get in touch and we will be more than happy to assist you.

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